Self-Storage and The Infinite Banking Concept with Harper Jones

Harper Jones is an advocate for Infinite Banking and joined CreateTailwind as a strategist to teach people how to become their own bankers. One of his favorite books is Becoming Your Own Banker by Nelson Nash. This book led him to the world of the Infinite Banking Concept. Residing in Knoxville, TN, Harper invests in real estate where he focuses on wholesaling, flipping, and multi-family investments. 

[00:01][05:01] Opening Segment

  • Getting to Know Harper Jones
  • Harper talks about his background
    • Real estate investing career
    • Getting into coaching
  • Harper talks about his early transition to the real estate world
  • Getting into landlording

[05:02][14:41] Self-storage

  • Their primary real estate investment focus
  • When to bring in property managers in a self-storage property
  • Optimizing their processes
  • Cost-segregation study on a self-storage unit
  • Growing and scaling their self-storage holdings

[14:42][18:51] Infinite Banking Concept

  • The Infinite Banking Concept
    • Becoming Your own banker
  • Life Insurance Efficiency Spectrum

[18:52][22:03] Final Four Segment

  • Harper’s advice to aspiring investors
    • Figure out your objectives and what you really want to accomplish
  • How he stays on top of his game
  • His way to make the world a better place
  • How to reach out to Harper – links below
  • Final words

Tweetable Quotes:

“Figure out your objectives and what you really want to accomplish. Figure it out, simplify it. Then find people that have accomplished that, and try to get around two or three people like them and just add whatever value you can. So you can be in their presence, their atmosphere, get connected and understand how they did it and you’re gonna be able to do it much quicker.” – Harper Jones

Resources Mentioned: 


Connect with Harper, send him an email at 

Connect with me:

I love helping others place money outside of traditional investments that both diversify strategy and provide solid predictable returns.

Call: 901-500-6191



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