How to Use Copy and Marketing Systems to Follow Up with Seller Leads

Today’s guest is Paul do Campo 


Paul is a Investor with an active income as a copywriter, creating marketing systems and sequences for investors.


Show summary:

In this episode, Paul do Campo discusses the significance of building relationships in the real estate industry. He emphasizes the need for personalized communication and shares his journey from wholesaling to becoming an investor and copywriter. Paul explains the psychology behind building relationships with investors and recommends using channels like email marketing to establish a personality-driven marketing approach. He also discusses the importance of authenticity in writing, citing examples from Stan Lee’s success in Marvel Comics. 


[00:00:00] Intro

[00:00:58] Paulo’s Journey from Pipeline Construction to Copywriter

[00:09:41] Marketing to Investors through Personality-Driven Marketing

[00:10:57] The importance of seller lead acquisition

[00:11:59] The role of automation in real estate marketing

[00:16:27] The messaging mistake of sounding too robotic

[00:20:20] The Journey of Stan Lee

[00:21:21] Applying Authenticity in Business

[00:22:15] Closing


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Want to read the full show notes of the episode? Check it out below:

[00:00:00]:01 – [00:00:24]:05

Paul do Campo

When you have a repeat transaction type business, I mean, you’re going to sell. You’re not going to sell one deal to investors. You might sell a second or a third deal. Hopefully that same investor, if he has a good experience with you. Yep. Now, that type of business requires relationship, acquirer requires procedure, rather than just like trying to trying to win the quick trying to, you know, butcher the kill and the one time thing and forget it and lay them to the curb.


[00:00:24]:06 – [00:00:34]:20

Paul do Campo

Right. So you so yeah, again, automation kind of slightly removes that, that relationship into when you’re especially connecting with investors.


[00:00:35]:01 – [00:00:55]:24

Sam Wilson

Welcome to the How to Scale Commercial Real Estate Show whether you are an active or passive investor, we’ll teach you how to scale your real estate investing business into something big. Part of Campeau is an investor with an an active income. As a copywriter, he creates marketing systems and sequences for investors. Paul, welcome to the show.


[00:00:56]:14 – [00:00:58]:06

Paul do Campo

Awesome man. Appreciate you having me on it.


[00:00:58]:10 – [00:01:05]:10

Sam Wilson

Absolutely. Paul, there are three questions I ask every guest who comes on the show in 90 seconds or less. Can you tell me, where did you start? Where are you now and how did you get there?


[00:01:06]:16 – [00:01:46]:13

Paul do Campo

All right. That’s a long story, but how and where? When did I start? So back in 2015 started like everybody else was rich, had a poor dad, dove into the rabbit hole in bigger pockets dot com, all that sort of wholesaling. I was doing direct mail, lots of direct mail the time not this is my first entrepreneur venture going from going from working as a pipeline construction welder foreman in the utility business, natural gas utility and then moving into a whole different world of sales, marketing, business processes and systems.


[00:01:46]:22 – [00:02:15]:09

Paul do Campo

So when you jump into that, I mean, it’s not it’s never a clean, smooth transition. Transition. It’s never, oh, I got to figure it out at least for at least for me. Anything new like that has never been a smooth, clean transition like that. And so I learned a lot back then. I, now I slowly, I mean, long story short, slowly started transitioning into flipping land, which did well for me, flipping land to notes, flipping mobile homes into notes as well.


[00:02:16]:09 – [00:02:43]:08

Paul do Campo

While I was doing that, I kind of accidentally fell upon another rabbit hole, which was corporate investor care. It became was my first client. I was in a lot of the concierge clients type of type of working on the phone with their clients, building out their pages for them, and then kind of slowly transitioned from that to being a full time copywriter, active, full time copywriter for clients in the space.


[00:02:43]:08 – [00:03:30]:08

Paul do Campo

And I say space, I mean, software vendors, services coaches, that type of thing. And then creating now today I, you know, I’m still investor and passive investor more so than having a volume business like I used to. I kind of escape that my from that being my active income to my activism as copywriting into passive income meaning I’m just looking I’m always looking for cash flow deals and those investing with local flippers around here or buying a deal, they find a and today I have my own offer that I sell to investors, which is basically taking all my knowledge of copy and and I merged together creating a, a complete follow up automated system in


[00:03:30]:08 – [00:03:46]:23

Paul do Campo

their CRM, everything from all the tactics and techniques of copy that I’ve done over the years and, and all the sequences into an actual system for follow up rather than just like a couple handful of drip, drip sequences that don’t really mean much.


[00:03:46]:23 – [00:04:16]:08

Sam Wilson

So right now I’m inter, I’m interested. I mean, how did how did you figure out that? Because we I didn’t quite hear the spot where you went from working. We say with pipeline construction. Yeah, work in pipeline construction to a copywriter. Those seem to be two totally different skill sets. Figure out that, hey, I’m actually a really good copywriter and maybe I can let welding go, right?


[00:04:16]:08 – [00:04:45]:03

Paul do Campo

Absolutely. You know, I actually enjoyed well, I actually enjoyed that job. It was. But there was limitations to it. I really hated just working for the man. Like I just just every day having to do, you know, knowing that, know, I really don’t have that much freedom. And knowing that I have to if I want to go out on vacation, I got to grovel to somebody to ask for education.


[00:04:45]:03 – [00:05:08]:07

Paul do Campo

Right. And then now it was union based, so meaning it’s seniority. And I was at the bottom of the totem pole. I was the youngest welder there. And so everybody else, you know, they take all the great time, you know, all this all the great vacation slots, all, you know. So I just I just hated that. And then I also hated I, I used to live in Southern California and a lot of people going to just think this is bizarre.


[00:05:08]:07 – [00:05:31]:20

Paul do Campo

But I hated living there. I personal reasons that just we didn’t enjoy the weather, the people, the traffic, the congestion we enjoy that. So I was stuck there. I worked utilities. And so there’s no way for me to get out unless I get a job somewhere else. And so one year I just decide I need to get out.


[00:05:31]:20 – [00:05:50]:19

Paul do Campo

And I was doing some copywriting and had it in my mind every day. I actually kept a card in my pocket that I was going to quit. I didn’t know how in know how I was going to do it had I was actually had my own publishing business too. I had a course I was selling, had an email list and but I didn’t know how I was gonna do it.


[00:05:50]:19 – [00:06:11]:13

Paul do Campo

I had some notes from land and mobile homes as well. And then a client, a couple of clients came by that that offered me a heck of a lot of money. And I took it and I took it. And it was more than more than what I got paid at that company that as a as a welder and.


[00:06:11]:13 – [00:06:13]:02

Paul do Campo

Yeah. And I never turned back.


[00:06:13]:02 – [00:06:34]:00

Sam Wilson

So so you made it out of Southern California and said, hey, look, I’m now a now a copywriter. What talk to me about the psychology of building, because you’re more than just a copywriter. Like it’s one thing. And I’ve employed various copywriters over the years where it’s like, you know, I’d record the big idea or talk about it.


[00:06:34]:00 – [00:06:53]:04

Sam Wilson

It’s like, Hey, this is what I’m talking about. This is the knowledge inside of my head. Now I need this synthesized into something meaningful. That’s one copywriting skill set. And I was always impressed when a copywriter can take my ideas that I couldn’t really synthesize in anything meaningful and turn it into a beautiful paragraph. Because, yeah, it’s exactly what I wanted to say.


[00:06:53]:12 – [00:07:16]:12

Sam Wilson

Well done. That’s one skill set. But it’s another thing entirely to understand the the the psychology and a lot of people on this or that listen to this show are probably struggling, I would imagine. Maybe I’m wrong. I’m just projecting my own struggles, but the investor psychology kind of process, as they come in, they get an idea of, okay, who is that?


[00:07:16]:14 – [00:07:30]:14

Sam Wilson

What is it that you do? What’s your business like? And then then moving them from that curious onlooker to now I want to invest with you in getting them through those drip sequences. That’s a different skill set entirely. How have you built that out?


[00:07:31]:01 – [00:07:45]:19

Paul do Campo

Right. So as your your example is more so the target is is an investor is your your trying to get fund, fund or sell deals to them, right? Yeah.


[00:07:45]:19 – [00:07:54]:21

Sam Wilson

So well, in this case, it would be it would be an investor looking, looking to get that investor, you know, to be comfortable with us as sponsors and then come alongside invest.


[00:07:55]:05 – [00:08:25]:06

Paul do Campo

Yeah. Yeah. So with that, I’m going to say that I think the strongest element for that particular segment, I think it’s going to be a relationship rather than, you know, you know, because there’s nothing really I mean, it depends on what segment you’re going after that’s important, right? There’s there’s market awareness is market sophistication. So if you’re if you can spread out your blanket, you’re going to get all kinds of people to come on board and give it brand new people that just read Rich Dad, Poor Dad.


[00:08:25]:06 – [00:08:54]:08

Paul do Campo

And they’re so excited about by buying a deal, but they probably won’t. Right? So and then there’s the season investors and that’s the affluent class or you know, that’s so there’s a great book and I brought this up in another podcast I was in Dan Kennedy’s Marketing to the affluent and and that that is a very interesting group that I’m trying to understand as well better because that’s who I market to on the drip is my is my offer, my company.


[00:08:54]:14 – [00:09:15]:06

Paul do Campo

We actually when I say create sequences, I’m talking about off market investors who are who have lots of leads to buy to be deals from. Right. So in this case, I would have probably have a long sequence for an investor and said what I what I would do instead is have a channel that I’m consistently marketing to them with.


[00:09:15]:12 – [00:09:51]:23

Paul do Campo

I saw somebody has, has took me up on this challenge or not took on this challenge but kind of debated or argued with this idea that, you know, an investor is just looking for a deal. That’s true. But it’s also not true because you’re you’re marketing to the fool. And in fluent are more likely to to buy from somebody like rather than price shopping or looking for a deal and and the really good in the case study example of this is Brandon Turner speaking of bigger pockets Brandon Turner’s open door capital.


[00:09:52]:04 – [00:10:16]:02

Paul do Campo

Right doing the same thing. They’re going after investors. And so if you watch their advertising, it’s just him. It’s his personality. So it’s personality driven marketing. So I so I what I’m saying here is, is think about how you can grow the relationship that really puts your personality, that is driven by your personality, and you can do it via email.


[00:10:16]:02 – [00:10:42]:13

Paul do Campo

You can do a verse versus social media versus ads like Open Door or in some type of influencer type person like Brandon Turner. My, my, my cup of tea is as email. I love doing email marketing. That’s how I that is the channel I’ve used since 2016 to to build a personality driven marketing channel. So yeah, that’s, that’s my, my tip for marketing to investors.


[00:10:43]:05 – [00:11:17]:07

Sam Wilson

Man. That’s cool. I like that. I like that a lot. What did you do? Because I’m looking through here at your your website here, which for those of you who are listening is REIT Omni So REIT omni drip dot com. And it looks like to me one of the one of the things that you’ve really helped real estate investors work through is I think you said it, but it is with the seller side and that’s very important obviously on the commercial real estate side of things as well because we have them as two things.


[00:11:17]:07 – [00:11:32]:15

Sam Wilson

We need, we need we need money, we need deals without either one of those. Then we really don’t have a commercial real estate business. So it sounds like you work more on the seller lead acquisition and or and getting deals closed side of things is that is that about a fair synopsis.


[00:11:33]:12 – [00:11:58]:19

Paul do Campo

Yeah. And that that site you’re looking at that offer. Yeah. Just because it was just more of a need for that, it was just a lot of is more likely for when you’re creating an offer. You know you got to look at what’s what’s more likely what’s what do you fill in the gap with. So yeah like I mentioned earlier I don’t answer for or investors LLC having a very complex type of automation in place.


[00:11:59]:18 – [00:12:20]:20

Paul do Campo

I’m a fan of automation, but there’s a time and place you don’t really need it, like having a rat’s nest of all these little things. And so with a like we, we put in place for these flippers and wholesalers, we have 20 sequences in place has because there’s there’s it’s the long sales process all kinds different avenues to go with.


[00:12:21]:08 – [00:12:44]:13

Paul do Campo

And these people are dealing with at least 100 leads per month. So you can’t follow up with that when somebody has a smaller business and only dealing with with 30 leads per month, it’s something that you don’t really need a whole lot of automation with or it just gets becomes a rat’s nest and then you kind of remove the whole relationship because in commercial business you have the advantage over the guy who’s just looking for deals.


[00:12:46]:01 – [00:13:15]:13

Paul do Campo

When you’re selling to investors. I mean, you have repeat transactions. When you have a repeat transaction type business, I mean, you’re going to sell you’re not going to sell one deal to investor. You might sell a second to a third deal. Hopefully that same investor, if he has a good experience with you. Now that type of business requires relationship, acquire requires procedure rather than just like trying to try to win the click, trying to, you know, butcher the kill and the one time thing and forget it and lamb to the curb, right.


[00:13:15]:13 – [00:13:26]:10

Paul do Campo

So yeah. So yeah. Again, automation kind of slightly removes that, that relationship into when you’re especially connecting with investors. So yeah.


[00:13:27]:14 – [00:13:47]:12

Sam Wilson

No I hear you man. That, that, that’s spot on. And that’s one of the things I think in our drip campaigns when an investor signs up for the an investor Club, one of the things that they get early on is opportunities and I think they get them throughout the campaign. But it’s instead of, hey, read one more email sequence, it is schedule a call with us.


[00:13:47]:13 – [00:13:54]:18

Sam Wilson

Get on the phone with us. Let’s get to know each other. Let’s talk. It’s not just have one way one way communications. I think that.


[00:13:54]:18 – [00:14:11]:20

Paul do Campo

So I’m not saying at all to remove any drip or automation. I mean, at the bare minimum, I would have a welcome series that welcome serious goals intentions with us here. What are you trying to achieve? What’s the first quote sale you have to make? You know, in your case, it’s getting on a phone, getting a phone call.


[00:14:12]:18 – [00:14:32]:06

Paul do Campo

It could be it could be driving value by getting in with maybe educating. It can be whatever it is. So a bare minimum. I do have a welcome series. Everybody I think should have some sort of welcome series, but I think it might stop there depending on your business, right? If you have a whole lot of things itself, you’re an e-commerce business.


[00:14:33]:00 – [00:14:46]:14

Paul do Campo

Yeah, you’re going to probably have a little more with complicated segmentation on who’s buying what, who’s looking what and all that kind of stuff. Because you’re dealing with lots of volume of leads coming in. Yeah. So it’s all it’s all business related, all, you know, case by case.


[00:14:46]:14 – [00:14:59]:18

Sam Wilson

So got it. I love it. What’s the, what’s the, what’s the limits to what it is that you’re doing and the number of industries that you feel like you can effectively serve?


[00:14:59]:18 – [00:15:22]:21

Paul do Campo

That’s a good question. I don’t know yet. So I know with with Army drip itself. I mean, you know, I’ve covered people with land and that that buy and sell land and they sell land to the consumer world. They don’t really sell land to investors typically. And I’ve dealt with them. I’ve bought the build sequences for them. I get my limit.


[00:15:22]:21 – [00:15:46]:02

Paul do Campo

You know, I, I don’t to, to be transparent. I’m like, I’m there writing for every single client. I built this so it’s scalable for me and affordable for everybody. So I built I built it to where I have a library of different messages that fit different people, different scenarios. And then I have a software that pulls that all together so that it creates a sequence for them or the sequences.


[00:15:46]:02 – [00:16:03]:14

Paul do Campo

So yeah, if somebody comes in, I don’t have any of that stuff, I’d have to either. I have to make a decision and say, Well, am I going to charge them a lot of money to create it? Can I resell it? Can I package it up and resell it if it’s a one time thing or I’m never going be able to do anything about it, charge a lot more for it.


[00:16:03]:14 – [00:16:19]:02

Paul do Campo

So it’s all running by case by case scenario. But if it’s a single family resident flipper, wholesaler Def, I mean, that’s an easy that’s easy not out of the park type of thing. If it’s somebody who’s doing commercial, that’s a little I got to see what I can do with that.


[00:16:19]:07 – [00:16:25]:20

Sam Wilson

Right. What do you feel like? The number one messaging mistake maybe people make is.


[00:16:27]:16 – [00:16:35]:14

Paul do Campo

Oh, that hey, what? What? Give me some what medium or what what kind of channel are we talking about here?


[00:16:37]:07 – [00:16:41]:05

Sam Wilson

Let’s say it could be. It could be from the.


[00:16:41]:17 – [00:17:05]:01

Paul do Campo

Day I got one. Then that’s a similar SMS email. Let’s just start with that. I think that that the number one I think is sounding too robotic and h.r. Type. I give this tip a lot and i think people sound like they’re they’re a lawyer or they’re from the department. Right? And so it’s just dry, boring. They’ll be it.


[00:17:05]:05 – [00:17:23]:23

Paul do Campo

So my, my tip to that is, is be a little talk like you’re from you know, you’re Joe Schmo from down the street talk like a normal person would I mean, you want to write I should say write like a normal person would. You know, you’re not right. You’re not there’s nothing legal that you’re writing about. You know, there’s you’re not a lawyer.


[00:17:24]:02 – [00:17:59]:10

Paul do Campo

You’re not signing a contract. Right. That you’re I should say you’re not creating a contract for a you know, so just, you know, you’re right, like any other person would. Then we get to evolved into into trying to sound professional that that actually just hurts just hurts you because there’s a copywriting principle that that you you don’t want here here’s a really good analogy is if I if I saw a guy roll up in a in a Ferrari in front of my house wearing a slick suit, and he’s coming to knock on my door.


[00:17:59]:24 – [00:18:24]:20

Paul do Campo

I have barriers immediately out like you’re doing all right, says salesman. You know, he screams Salesman, as you approaches Utah. I have barriers. They come right up because he’s put himself in a level that where he’s looking down on me now. And so and that’s the consumers going to have that. Everybody’s going to have that barrier, rather, a guy who rolls up in a beat up pickup truck.


[00:18:24]:20 – [00:18:42]:19

Paul do Campo

I’m not I’m not saying this is what you do for your sales process. I’m just putting analogy. Your grows up in a pickup truck, comes knocking on door, kind of like almost like the Columbo type of figure. I don’t think they Columbo you’re just kind of, you know, just this weirdo, like not weirdo but but kind of aloof.


[00:18:42]:23 – [00:19:06]:17

Paul do Campo

And so when somebody rolls up like that, you’re and he’s now on a lower like level where you’re looking down on him instead and, and so you put step of the person the same level as you two. Now it’s more comfortable, it’s more you’re the bears are less. But that’s an old negotiation strategy of this guy named Jim Camp.


[00:19:06]:24 – [00:19:27]:17

Paul do Campo

So I think I think Chris Voss learned from him. He’s Jim Camp is long gone. But his book Start With No it’s a great book on negotiation has those principles principles there where you don’t you don’t have to sound perfect at all. I mean, the soundtrack sound perfectly good works against you, so.


[00:19:28]:03 – [00:19:34]:10

Sam Wilson

Yeah. No, that’s it. I like it. And what you what I hear you say in there is just be authentic, be yourself like.


[00:19:34]:10 – [00:19:54]:21

Paul do Campo

Yeah, and that’s that’s always yeah. And that’s a buzz word lies be authentic. And I think a lot of people have trouble being authentic, which I mean, they try to be somebody else or trying to be authentic, which is like, you know, so and that’s a hard thing to do. I get it. So one, one tip tip that I, I do, I write a daily email with my list.


[00:19:54]:21 – [00:20:29]:02

Paul do Campo

So, so trying to be authentic is a very Yeah. You know, so I don’t try to think about I got to be authentic to be authentic and said there’s a really good documentary on on Disney on Disney Channel on Stan Lee. I think if you just type in Stan Lee, you’ll find it. So Stan Lee helped you didn’t create ma why you’re kind of created because he but he worked there at Marvel he was there editor and at the time in the fifties he was at comics where everybody was doing the same thing.


[00:20:29]:02 – [00:20:50]:18

Paul do Campo

It was all hate for the trans. For the trans just right when everybody was writing and it sells. Stan Lee changed gears and he started writing what he liked to what he wanted to write about, the sort that interests him. That’s where Spider-Man is like what I create teenage superhero and which is art was unheard of at the time, teenage superhero with problems.


[00:20:50]:18 – [00:21:15]:07

Paul do Campo

And so he did that. And like Marvel took off after that, they were called Marvel. Marvel at the time. They changed the name after but took off it actually tapped into a new market. And that’s been so to get back to authenticity, that’s being authentic. So the day I just start, I just kind of write what goes against what everybody says I do, but I just write what what I have interest in at the time.


[00:21:15]:21 – [00:21:21]:03

Paul do Campo

And and you’re going to hit this, you know, that is kind of being in a way, being authentic. So.


[00:21:21]:09 – [00:21:50]:16

Sam Wilson

No, it absolutely is. It absolutely is. Yeah, I like I like that a lot. Yeah. That’s a that’s a great a great clue. There are hint there, but we can certainly apply in our own businesses. Paul, this has been a lot of fun learning from you today. I love what you’ve done in the journey you’ve taken from working on the pipelines to making a business out of copyrighting and sequence building and really, you know, dial in in the back end of a lot of a lot of things that we as real estate investors certainly need and use.


[00:21:50]:16 – [00:22:14]:08

Sam Wilson

Thanks for taking the time to break down some of the more mechanics of how you do that, what you look for. You’ve given us some great book recommendations here start with no marketing to the the fluent the the the documentary called Stanley those are like fun fun things to to dig into there and certainly appreciate your time and expertize here today if our listeners want to get in touch with you or learn more about you, what is the best way to do that?


[00:22:15]:12 – [00:22:27]:07

Paul do Campo

Yeah just head over my website WWL dot RC omni com was mentioned earlier You can find me there just send me an email from there and I’ll be glad to help and answer your questions.


[00:22:27]:14 – [00:22:36]:15

Sam Wilson

Awesome Paul, thank you again for your time. RFI Omni drip dot com. We’ll make sure we include that in the show notes. Appreciate it and have a great rest you Debbie.


[00:22:37]:02 – [00:22:38]:00

Paul do Campo

Awesome man. Thank you.


[00:22:38]:07 – [00:22:59]:18

Sam Wilson

Hey, thanks for listening to the How to Scale Commercial Real Estate podcast. If you can do me a favor and subscribe and leave us a review on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Google Podcasts or whatever platform it is you use to listen. If you can do that for us, that would be a fantastic help to the show. It helps us both attract new listeners as well as rank higher on those directories.


[00:22:59]:18 – [00:23:02]:24

Sam Wilson

So appreciate you listening. Thanks so much and hope to catch you on the next episode.


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