Presenting Your Business and Securing Investors with Tim Cooley

Tim Cooley is the author of the number one best selling book on raising capital The Pitch Deck Book: How to Present Your Business And Secure Investors. He is executive director of Park City Angels and a partner of ViaCap. He has worked for hundreds of early stage companies in marketing sales, product development, and fundraising. The companies he has worked with raised more that 200 million dollars and seed in series A-funding. 

[00:01][05:41] Opening Segment

  • Let’s get to know Tim Cooley
  • Tim talks about his background
  • He also talks about working in Park City Angels
    • Early stage Investment Group
  • Equal funding for good deals presented terribly and for mediocre idea pitch very well

[05:42][10:27] Pitching for Start-up Company

  • Mistakes in Pitching as Real Estate Investors
  • Communicating efficiently to people outside our space
    • Creating relationships with somebody
  • Average size of Start-up for funding for deals
  • Deals in the desk that are getting funded

[10:28][21:44] How to Present Your Business & Secure Investors

  • Top 3 things from the book that will teach lesson to the people
  • Mispitch on the solution side
  • The Team members 
  • Other things to learn from the book
  • Presenting the worst case and best case scenario
  • Investing in a workhorse ideas

[21:45][23:20] Final Four Segment

  • Tim’s advice to aspiring investors
    • Start raising money early and start building a network early. 
  • How he stays on top of his game
  • His way to make the world a better place
  • Reach out to our guest– see links below
  • Final words

Tweetable Quotes: 

“Start raising money early, start building that network early. You never wanna be on the downhill. If you are on the downhill, like you are running out of money or you’re running out of time, I mean, I know, you run out of time in real estate like all the time but build early and then just keep talking to people. And if you’re selling everytime you’re talking to people, stop doing that.” – Tim Cooley  

Resources Mentioned: 


Connect with Tim on LinkedIn. Send him an email at     

Connect with me:

I love helping others place money outside of traditional investments that both diversify strategy and provide solid predictable returns.

Call: 901-500-6191



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