Scaling with Self Storage with Liz Benzschawel

What are ways to scale in self-storage? In today’s episode, we’re going to dive into them!  Liz Benzschawel is an active investor and began in single-family rentals.  She is currently pursuing multifamily and self-storage investments.  She holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Advertising and has 10 years of experience in sales and contracting. 

[00:01][04:54] Opening Segment

  • Let’s get to know today’s guest, Liz Benzschawel
  • Liz shares her realizations and how she got into real estate investing
  • Thinking big and getting tons of advice

[04:55][15:18] Scaling with Self-Storage

  • Liz tells the story of how she started self-storage investing
  • How to Fund 77 Units of Acquisition
  • Pitfalls in investing and scaling self-storage
  • Comparing the stock market and real estate and why Liz moved to real estate
  • Liz’s multifamily investments
  • Long-Term Plans for Real Estate Investments

[15:19][18:08] Final Four Segment

  • What Liz would invest in with only $20,000 
    • Single-family in a small area 
  • How Liz would help in a real estate mistake
    • Starting earlier be more focused
    • Listen to people in the industry
  • Liz’s way to make the world a better place
    • Connecting people
  • Reach out to our guest – see links below 
  • Final words

Tweetable Quotes

“Looking more at my returns than what I am putting in.” – Liz Benzschawel

“Sales is entrepreneurial.” – Liz Benzschawel

“Listen to mentors but also make the decisions for yourself.” – Liz Benzschawel


Connect with Liz Benzschawel through, Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn and grow your self-storage investments.

Connect with me:

I love helping others place money outside of traditional investments that both diversify a strategy and provide solid predictable returns.  



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