Shifting Leaders For Excellence From Hard Work To Heart Work

Heinz Kaegi lives his passion as an international speaker, executive visionary, and bestselling author. researched the laws of leadership and developed the globally unique LEX Leadershift Excellence Program. His book Wanted: Leader has been translated into English and will soon be available in its 3rd extended edition. He has designed and conducted over 1000 development processes on 3 continents in 3 languages over the last 3 decades. His ability to develop leaders and executive teams is unique as regularly quoted by his clients. With no further ado, Let’s welcome Heinz Kaegi!


[00:00][05:25] Opening Segment

  • Heinz is a speaker and best-selling author who specializes in conducting 1000s of future design processes for top executives and their management teams
  • He is designed to help leaders shift from a “hands-on” approach to one that is “deep and immersive”


[05:25][11:07] Seven Laws of Leadership Revealed

  • The foundation is where there is no purpose;
  • Where there is no vision, There will be no passion
  • If there is no focus, there will be no freedom;
  • If there is no commitment, there will be no achievement;
  • When there is no team, there is no success;
  • If there is no mentorship there will be no leadership in the organization;
  • Where there is no hard work, there will be no excellence.


[11:07][17:01] Challenges Are Great Because They Make Us Grow Beyond

  • Challenges are great because they make us grow beyond our current limitations.
  • The key to success is to find a challenge that is meaningful to you and that you can commit to.
  • To be successful, you need to have a deep understanding of yourself and what you are here for.
  • One way to achieve this is by undertaking a level one challenge.


[17:02][23:00] In-Person Events for Leaders

  • Heinz shares that there is something deeper than just vision when it comes to becoming a true visionary.
  • He found out that the vision needs a foundation, and this is done through developing a bond of leadership with others.
  • There are in-person events coming up in Salt Lake City and Florida in the next few years, and those who cannot attend can connect to the author online.


[23:01][24:49] Closing Segment

  • The importance of setting a purpose and vision for an organization’s growth
  • The importance of leadership in this process
  • The seven laws of scaling outlined by Heinz
  • Reach out to Heinz Kaegi! 
    • Links Below



Tweetable Quotes:

“You can leave footsteps along your trail. That means you discover within yourself your own power that makes you move forward. What is it you want to change or improve? And what are your motives to do that? Because only if wholeheartedly you are in this topic, whatever it might be. You will be crowned by success based on resonance If you have a shallow feeling about some topics, you are not going to end up crowned by success.” – Heinz Kaegi

Connect with Heinz Kaegi by following  him on Facebook, Instagram, Youtube, and Linkedin 
visit his website to know more.  

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Want to read the full show notes of the episode? Check it out below:

Sam Wilson  [00:40]

Heinz Kaeigi is the mentor of leaders. He’s a speaker and a best selling author. He has designed and conducted over 1000 future design processes for top executives and their management teams. Heinz Welcome to the show.


Heinz Kaegi  [00:53]

Thanks for having me. My pleasure 


Sam Wilson  [00:56]

he pleasure is absolutely mine. Thank you for taking the time to come on today. You’re calling in I think you said from Switzerland here. I guess it’s evening for you, 


Heinz Kaegi  [01:04]

too, then yes, this evening. Evening. 


Sam Wilson  [01:08]

Well, I appreciate you taking the time out of your evening here to chat with us. Heinz. There are three questions I ask every guest who comes on this show in 90 seconds or less. Can you tell me where did you start? Where are you now and how did you get there? 


Heinz Kaegi  [01:21]

I started eight at the end of my C suite career.I  jumped from the cliffs into my self and Gloria ship. And they trusted angels that they delivered a wink Southaven way down to the beach in Florida, which they did ,Ray it now after three decades old touch it and movie inspiring and challenging 100,000 1000s of executives L three called Zealots.  That is where I am right now. And we have Elish, several books, we have done 1000s of workshops to moving leakers from hard work to current work. And the way this will lead towards sound is we will be creating an economy of heart. Yes. That it Forgive me if I come across as offensive when I ask this question, but it really is truly inquiry more than anything. That’s a fairly ethereal concept in its own right. Or it’s okay, we’re going to move from hard work to heart work. What does that mean? Practically? Or tactically speaking? Okay, practically, hands on. Here it is what it’s all about. Please, I have been doing research, I was eager to find out are there on this planet, any leadership loss? Because the word itself is already so misunderstood. And so to say that it’s more serious, in many cases, okay, so seven laws of leadership. The first one, the foundation is where there is no purpose, there will be no power. If it gives me an hour, I think if you dozens, hundreds 1000s. of proofs of the pudding. The second about is whether it’s an omission, there will be no passion. I mean, the look around you, the lack of reaching competence, in corporate in the corporate setting is huge. Because those managers, they just watched the whole day, the reality channel, and they forget about tuning in with the future channel. And that’s why tomorrow, they they do the same thing as yesterday, just that they expect different results, it’s not gonna work. So if that is hands on units, then we go to the third lab, where there is no pocus, there will be no real. That fourth one at SEC keep one again, is where there’s no commitment, there will be no achievement. on that level, San, for one full week, day and night, we work with the leaders on 12 levels of commitment. Now this is no longer surface stuff. This is not theory. This is really dive deep. It’s an immersive process. So we’re at the end of this week, those leaders who have the privilege to attend they have 100% clarity about commitment and commitment is all aggregated forced. So while the cascade of an organization which leads to an attitude of the people that do the work, we have to do and damage not to the benefit of the clients nor to the corporation nor to the bottom line. It’s the opposite. So with This process that we do, it’s called Lex for unsets. Legs stands for leader, Chef Excellence for alias for those leaders. So by doing it the other way around with commitment that comes from within the employee is the CO creators, then it’s no longer we have to. It’s there, we want to write. So that produces that at the bottom line, thanks to a happy top line, which are human beings. Number five, where does low team there was no success. Many years ago, the development of all those models are this paramount. That was their tip sack. I said, Oh, success. That’s the tall only to find out this years later, there is some more that is missing. What do you do with your life, when you have a cheat, there is a success. If you look at very old books from two centuries ago, or Henry Ford, and all those wonderful people, they got into a thick towards, let’s say, the altar of their lives. It was only about how can they pass it on it meaning the wisdom of success to be fulfilled, ultimately. So the sixth level is Where is Long mentorship? There will be no leadership in our organization. And number seven, the top one is where there is no hard work, there will be no excellence. Those are the seven, eight right now working on number eight. Just between you, I mean, you the audience, me


Sam Wilson  [06:54]

what what do please tell what is number eight.


Heinz Kaegi  [06:58]

This is a secret that I’m gonna share when the time is right, which is soon. Very good. I loved I’m sorry. That’s in the context of my next book. Right?


Sam Wilson  [07:13]

Okay, fantastic. I’m looking forward to that. You’ve got a book coming out here soon called The Seven Laws of Leadership, which I think is is really the breakdown of the seven steps seven Yes. Things you just told me. When? When does that book get released?


Heinz Kaegi  [07:30]

A child annuities in the first corner all 23? So probably February, March,


Sam Wilson  [07:36]

yes, February, March 23. Okay, and I’m assuming that’s gonna go through all the major major channels so we can look for it. Look for a sign. And we’ll make sure of course, we put, if there’s a if there’s a link or anything where we can put in on a on a get notified list. Certainly, we’ll make sure we include that there in the show notes. But I want to dig really get back into a lot of the things that you just mentioned here. And I guess before we do, though, how did you build this like this is you said, you’ve finished your C suite career and you’re like, Ah, this is what I want to do with the rest of my life for the foreseeable future. But how did you develop these seven Laws of Leadership? Was that something that you developed on your corporate career was this just extensive study? How did you get here,


Heinz Kaegi  [08:21]

most of it through hands on experience, look, along my long executive career, I have produced many tops, and many flops. The tops were outstanding probate, ego, and the flops. They were my teachers to grow beyond. So I was actually focusing all my career on two questions, mainly, one was what makes a difference between a group of people seemingly working together, and a peak performance to an irresistible peak performance and a second, what makes a difference between me as a manager and me as a leader, those two guides archetype, how to bring them together to form a team spirit within Solon, the way I communicate, I convey messages, I inspire and challenge my people is no longer based on their actual performance. It is now weights by their potential, which requests me to lead from the future. And that is that has just described through these laws of leadership.


Sam Wilson  [09:44]

Do you in your experience, feel like leadership and or developing this skill set I’ll even call it is something you can develop. I mean, is this something that maybe somebody doesn’t have the natural typical things we see? In the in the leaders that you’re like, Oh, hey, that’s a natural born leader is there is this something we can build in people,


Heinz Kaegi  [10:06]

I say, out of experience that leaders are not born leaders grow out of the mass thanks to challenge that life offers to them saw, everybody has some parts of the quality of the essence of leadership, within based on the fact that we are warm, turns all around your story of a winner. Because when it comes to the conception of a human being, there are so many birds, billions of birds, and if you made the race a that speaks already about some aspects of leadership, which then through light, you are exposed to challenges. And that makes you crawl into your own personal essence of leadership, if you choose to do so. So challenges are great, because they make us grow beyond.


Sam Wilson  [11:11]

Absolutely, absolutely. So let’s let’s dial really down into the practical steps of what it is that you’re doing, and maybe how you’re doing it, can you can you can you give us some some color as to as to what that is?


Heinz Kaegi  [11:27]

Yeah, this is based on practical experiences, long time. And through an immersive process. This is not surface stuff. So actually, if you, as a leader said, You were attending one of my master classes, and let’s imagine we would start on the foundational level, which is key, when there is no purpose there will be no power, they n $4.03 days plus the sweet maths, you spend lots of time with yourself with questions that I’m asking the dive questions, which puts you in a reflex that say, inner reflection to come out with answers. So you will discover you recognize what is inside. And it’s mainly about two things on that foundational level, fundamental level, it is about recognizing who you are, that is not inventing yourself, and it’s three cognizing. Okay, three cognizing, who you are, and what you are here for what makes you take, what do you stand up for in life? What is your, the vision that you want to fulfill, and this has nothing to do with becoming a copy machine for many other people. This is about discovering your own fingerprint, so that you can leave footsteps along your trail. That means you discover within yourself your all power that makes you move forward, what is it you want to change? Or improve? And what are you allowed this to do that? Because only if wholeheartedly, you are in this topic, whatever it might be? Will you be crowned by success based on resonance. If you have a shallow feeling about subtopics, you’re not going to be ending up crowned by success is that the average out of elects concept. The leg stands for leadership, excellence for life. And that is an experience. So you, you get up to challenges that I’m going to offer to you in order to have the seeds that we plant grow from within. And like at the at the end at the seeming end of such a long many years process, you will be receiving a challenge from me that represents a once in a lifetime chance to grow beyond. Like for me, I’ve offered this challenge to myself at the end of Lex sell the seventh level chip, where the principle is once you reach the top to your top executive, keep climbing. And so for me this was I have offered myself the challenge to learn as how to conduct a symphonic orchestra. This is an impossibility because if you look at the petitions, this thick book with all the instruments on who’s older no What’s up, this is like a Chinese town or a village when you want to read it. So again, this is impossible, even though I wanted to, to become a conductor, as a teenager, since my dad has chosen Hanes for to learn something solid, and thereafter, let’s check out whether the conservatory is so your pass. So I will, I have held true to that vision. So I have found ways to attend an orchestra session to get introduced. And then to get up to that challenge, which is way out of the corporate zone. And it learns, it teaches you how to lead beyond words.


Sam Wilson  [15:47]

That’s a really cool, really cool, Next Level challenge that you have set for yourself. And I think you and I talked about this before we aired or started started recording this, you actually get to fulfill that hear it from before this show will actually even go live here in the middle of October. Yes, that is absolutely cool. I love that. And I think it’s really interesting that you said, you’re gonna spend two to three months just working on the purpose, the level one, like the bottom, the baseline thing, why did you start there,


Heinz Kaegi  [16:26]

because I have seen and experienced another path before him. That didn’t work. Me as the visionary Sam, of course, exploring and he started with Vision Quest process for leaders. And lastly, they came back after the vision quest stage role, early warning, both fire late evening or in the light that came back, sparking the eyes, great leisure and streams and everything. Six months down the road, most of those regions have transformed into illusions. So I said heights. I mean, this was a great process. And still, there’s something missing. So what makes leaders become true? visionaries. In the sense of a true visionary is actually the best real realist because he or she gets the son on the path. So I found out there is something deeper than just the vision. The vision needs a foundation, a solid foundation, which is the purpose of your life. Who are you? And what you stand for.


Sam Wilson  [17:43]

That’s it. And those are questions, I would argue and you probably agree or disagree. I don’t know, maybe not. Those are questions that few are willing to take the time to answer.


Heinz Kaegi  [17:55]

Yes. Yes. And


Sam Wilson  [17:59]

even even if you came to me today in Heinz, and you said Hey, Sam, answer for me. What is the purpose of your life? I’d be like, Well, I mean, I’ve got some canned answers some things maybe that are surface that I could probably spit back, be it spiritual, albeit more Earth focused answers, and it’s like, but they’re probably not as introspective as potentially where you prefer people to go.


Heinz Kaegi  [18:23]

Yes. To the point, Sam. Absolutely. Congratulations. This is why I’m here to inspire and challenge you. You all to be calm. Cool, you are deep down inside.


Sam Wilson  [18:41]

Is this your version of retirement Heinz? Because it sounds like this is what you do for fun, or fulfillment or both?


Heinz Kaegi  [18:49]

Absolutely. I was asked a number of years ago. Hi, it’s how long do you want to continue doing this passage sailing? Then I said oh, what do you think? Why should I stop doing what I love so much?


Sam Wilson  [19:05]

I would argue probably shouldn’t I mean maybe the maybe the fruity drink on the beach. Isn’t isn’t for you must sound like this probably is.


Heinz Kaegi  [19:16]

The beach boy within me has found together with my dear Regina My wife has found a beautiful sopped on the beach on the island of Cyprus. And we are there since 20 years and from time to time we are in Switzerland as well. Plus, I do have a home’s font in the US, as I have shared with him already sad. So I love these contrasts. And they love what they do. That’s why I do what I love.


Sam Wilson  [19:47]

That is awesome. Tell me about your in person events. I know that something that you guys have some of those coming up here in Salt Lake City, and then maybe even potentially here in Florida. So tell me, tell me about those and how we can learn more about those events.


Heinz Kaegi  [20:04]

Yes, in 2023, in April, we’ll be doing in person events in Salt Lake City, plus probably the one in Florida, and the same again in the month of August for those who could not attend in April. And I say this, because we do on purpose, we do not be events, it’s a very intimate setting, maximum 25 leaders, because as we already said, this is an immersive process, that is not really for everyone, you need to be willing to face things that life wants you to see Melk to bring out. And then there are seems like lack of self value, even at the top executive level that come that comes that come through and you come across your your paths, and many more things, this is an in depth process with fantastic results, we have so many testimonials, that would anytime approved that every minute, is is worse, to invest in early on development becomes developing the body of leadership in an organization means always, this is developing the power of the corporation. Because to the same extent that we shift our way, leading people, we shape the future of the corporation. So the easiest for you to find out about those events is you connect with me on the Heinz On kaegi, you shall have the the links sound available. Plus there is a landing page. And you can connect as well, to check what I’m saying when I stand on stage. You can watch my latest TED talk about reaching beyond about leading from the future and without leaving Elena’s of ideas as its gracious for your children and the next generation. I love it


Sam Wilson  [22:35]

that that is absolutely fantastic. And I think that’s in the reason I think this is relevant, obviously to this show, is that there are so many of us who are either leaders currently or aspiring leaders or will be leaders as our organizations grow and thrive. And more people come on board and getting I think the foundation set right early. Yeah, is paramount to again, it’s the the old proverb of building a house on the sand or building it on the rock. It’s like okay, you it’s better to start with the rock, I don’t think to help stay unfair to Well, I if I’m not mistaken. So even though I are on the Florida beach recording this right now. And I think there’s a lot of stuff built on the sand here. But regardless, that’s not the point just happen to think of that, as I’m sitting here talking kind of funny. But yeah, I think that that’s absolutely important. And that’s how that’s why this is valuable, really, I think to this show that he’s listened into our listeners just just because of the importance of leadership and getting these things set right out of the gate as our organizations grow. So thank you for taking the time to really break down I think even just your seven laws, I mean, even just listening to those put got my head to thinking no purpose, no power, no vision, and you went through all those, I won’t rehash them. But those are those are really, really powerful. And I look forward to getting a copy of your book here when it comes out early next year. And of course, it will also include here in the show notes, the links to all of your websites where our listeners can find you as well. So Heinz, thank you for taking the time to come on the show today. And really just share with us your life story and your purpose and vision for what it is that you’re doing right now. I think it’s absolutely inspiring. So thank you for your time.

Heinz Kaegi  [24:23]

Thank you very much for having me 

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